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2016-17 Attendance Policy

  Attendance is VERY important. Please make sure your student is here ALL DAY EVERYDAY!!!

Click HERE to view the CCPS Attendance and Truancy Policy


Please don't check in late. Our building opens at 6:45 AM. Breakfast begins at 6:55 AM. Morning Assembly is at 7:15 AM (it is very important that your child is here for this). Classroom instruction begins at 7:20 AM. A student is tardy after 7:20 AM. If a child is late, a parent must sign them in. Three unexcused tardies equal one unexcused absence.


A student who is absent must bring a note signed by their parent/guardian stating the reason for the absence. This note shall be presented upon the student's return within five days, or the absence will be unexcused.


There are seven valid reasons for excused absences authorized by the Board:

 1. Illness of pupil (part of 6 excused days)

 2. Death in family (part of 6 excused days)

 3. Appointment with health professional

 4. Driver's Test

 5. 1 day attendance to Kentucky State Fair

 6. Court Order

 7. Other as determined by the Principal


Please don't check out early, unless absolutely necessary. Our teachers are instructing from bell to bell. We want your student to have a successful year. Thanks for your support.



Step 1 - After the 2nd unexcused absence, the parent/guardian will receive a letter


Step 2 - After the 4th unexcused absence, the parent/guardian will receive a letter


Step 3 - When six (6) unexcused absences occur, a conference will be scheduled with the parent/guardian and possible habitual truancy charges may be filed.


Please make sure your child is on time and present all day, every day. Thanks for your support in helping your student have a successful year!